At the Binyan Project, we understand that although people want to be their healthiest selves, sometimes there are struggles. Not everyone has the education or training to confidently date, have the most fulfilling marriage, to be the parent they want to be, to understand or attend to individual struggles. It is for this reason that The Binyan Project was created. Fulfilling your potential to be healthy, have a healthy marriage and be a healthy parent, is what helps us build strong families and community.  It is our mission to provide resources to that end. There is the online course that supports and expands The Binyn Project, the book, an educational experience that doesn’t just inform couples, but that transforms how people have their marriages.  There are other self improvement courses and educational material by professionals, space to ask your questions, handouts, blog posts and podcast episodes to enhance your understanding of connection - the key ingredient in deepening and improving relationships, our most precious commodity.

Book Notes & Handouts

The Binyan Project: This is Marriage Education, is a marriage education course, in a book. With information, demonstration and practice, couples have the opportunity to work through their own, private, marriage education course, in the privacy of their home. For those who are looking to enhance the book experience, or who do better listening than reading information, there is a video series. Watch an introduction here.

At The Binyan Project, the goal is to help people grow, but books don't grow. To make sure that your educational experience can expand and develop, this space is where issues that evolve, or are raised by readers, as well as some extra teaching points will be recorded under Book Notes.  Additional materials including blank handouts for exercises, more conversation starters, couple's activities, and extra practice vignettes can be found under Handouts. 

Education & Workshops

Education for couples, community members and leadership is a priority at The Binyan Project. In the Education section there is both audio and video content, on various subjects, to serve as a community resource. 

Workshops which provide training on a variety of subjects are provided  as well. They include both live and recorded trainings for individuals, couples and community leaders. 

Have a request for a training? Make a request on this page.

  Blogs & Answers

Read the blogs and hear answers to questions posed by readers.

The Podcast

The Creating Kesher Podcast is a series hosted by Lisa Twerski, LCSW, engaging professionals in the field to discuss various aspects of marriage. Through her conversations with colleagues who have diverse perspectives; vast experience; and tremendous knowledge in the field of marriage education and counseling, new and interesting insights are explored during each episode. Listening to how the experts explore these issues, and how couples can better address them, is the perfect extra supplement that couples can take individually or together to continue improving their marriage.

The binyan project

The Binyan Project is an initiative started for the Orthodox Jewish Community by Lisa Twerski, LCSW. With over 30 years of experience  as a therapist working with individuals and couples, Mrs. Twerski wanted to provide the community with a resource to help couples set themselves up, from the outset, to be able to have a happy and healthy marriage, and community leaders with resources to better intervene with community in their role. Combining her training in pre-marital and marriage education, experience as a therapist, and years of experience providing lectures and workshops, she came up with the idea of The Binyan Project. A resource for the community to access help building marriage family and community.